The HCC's Official list of problems we would like to have:
Getting bored during the memory check. (this only counts on fast processors)
Getting bored during the fsck. (chkdsk for you 8 bit heathens)
Being honestly stumped about where to fit the next computer.
Having to open the window when its 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside because of the heat.
Having to reinforce your desk because the computer/monitor weighs too much.
Out typing the computer. (again, this only counts of fast processors)
- Running out of IRQs, DRQs, IO memory, or slots (at least when you have
a decent number of slots).
- Having so many passwords you have to think before logging in.
- Having so many windows on your display that you lose them.
This only counts if your display is at least 1024x1024 (virtual).
We have actualy experianced some of these things. We would like to
experiance more.