Tommy O. & Louise Johnson Famly Reunion
Come to the next Tommy O. and Louise Johnson Reunion
Forest City, Iowa YMCA
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Aug. 1, 2 and 3
Golf tourney, 500, and more fun and games
June 26, 1999
Tommy Olaus and Louise were married Jan. 25, 1911. Photograph is from 40th anniversary celebration.
Tommy O. in the trucking business.
Ready for a Spin in this bright
and shiny new 1918 Chevrolet are Tommy Johnson at the wheel, Mrs. Johnson,
seated in back and sons, Chester, 7 and Lawrence, 3.
The church, in Stavanger Norway, where Tommy O. was baptized.
Johnson Brothers and Sisters: Front row: (from left) Edith Burras, Chester, Leone Baker, Lawrence, Standing: Frances Swanson, Howard, Cleo, Ethel Arthur, John, and Ruth Katuin.
Edith and Carroll
Ethel and Gene
Frances and Dean
Leone's Family
Howard and Marge
John's Family
Ruth and John
Lawrence's Family
All the first Cousins
Saturday the Johnson family got together to play...
Then we ate...
Old Pictures
Chester on combine, John on tractor with Tommy O., August 1952 (north of west grove, near driveway into barnyard, taken the day Howard left for overseas.
Tommy O. on thresher, John standing in field, Howard on tractor, Cleo and Erling Williamson in front, with Brownie.

Frances, Ruth, Howard, Ethel, Edith, June 26, 1999 Forest City Iowa.
Family Stories