This is an experimental image archive... note that its contents are Copyright, and no permission to distribute is granted.

mfm-14protius : MFM-14 Memphis TN
millprotius : A mill near Blacksburg
snow_2009protius : Attempts to photograph snow during the great storm of 2009/2010
renfaireprotius : Maryland Ren Faire
protius : My back yard, with an aero ektar lens
mfm-13protius : MFM-13 Memphis TN
geekcon2009protius : Geekcon
doodah2009protius : Doodah Parade 2009 Ocean City NJ
protius : My holography apparatus, configured to make a transmission hologram. This was done with a long exposure and tracing the beams with a piece of paper.
protius : The star which is going "wheeeee" is the International Space Station. The star which is going "bip-bip-bip" is an airplane...
mfm-12protius : MFM-12 Memphis TN
campingprotius : Going camping somewhere near Harrisonburg. Shot on Fujicolor 160 4x5 with a Crown Graphic. Scanned on a umax, tweeked with GIMP. These are really test data for scanning C41 negatives.
buckettruckprotius : The great Bucket Truck adventure
kodykampout2008protius : Kody's Kampout 2008.
doodah2008protius : Doodah Parade 2008 Ocean City NJ
innerharborprotius : Trip into Baltimore's inner harbor
protius : My house in Dayton, MD
reunion2007protius : The 2007 Johnson Family Reunion, Forest City IA
mfm-11protius : Pictures taken at MFM-11, Memphis TN
kodykampoutprotius : Pictures taken at Kody's Kampout, near Orange Virginia
protius : I'm not sure how to describe this one...
protius : I just liked the look of this building in Falls Church.
doodah2007protius : Some of the stuff I shot at the 2007 Doodah parade
sanantonio2006protius : A few pictures of the SanAntonio Riverwalk
protius : My house from accross the street. I was attempting to get all the branches, they looked better on the negative.
protius : A small section of my front yard.
mfm-10protius : Random pictures taken at MFM-10, Memphis TN
pandapusprotius : Random pictures taken at Pandapus Pond, just outside of Blacksburg, VA
maymontprotius : Random pictures at Maymont (in Richmond, VA)
las_vegas_2protius : I went to Las Vegas and folloed my brother up the calico hills, sortof (I am no climber...).
africanqueenprotius : The African Queen 2 is a black and white reversal film processing machine, which was decomisioned after 48 years of service.
nationalMallprotius : Ryan, Nick and I went down to the national mall a few weeks ago and took a whole bunch of night photographs
pandapicnic2005protius : Some pictures I took at the 2005 Pandabear picnic
protius : Another lab documentation image which came out looking really cool.
tunnelprotius : I went riding with Xydexx on July 10'th 2005...
protius : I just sortof liked this image. It was actualy a documentation image from running a pulsed frequency doubled YAG laser through an interferometer (its multimode... sigh). Note the mark on the beamsplitter.
protius : This is Geoff's mice, a bit of modern art which occured at work.
protius : This is my desk. As you can see, I need a bigger one.
gatesofcentralparkprotius : I went to look at the Gates of Central Park in New York on Febuary 20, 2005
protius : This was taken on the same walk which I took the pictures of the Christmas lights on. There was a single incandesent deer off on the right which was the original subject. But it got blown out by the long exposure. So I'm going with the trees and the reflected road, with the single house framed at the top. 4 minute exposure on plus-x 125, f8 I think.
protius : Yet another picture of my holography apparatus. It is currently configured for making reflection holograms from transmission masters. It also looks like something which escaped from the 1950's...
protius : Tighter shot on the holography apparatus.
fc-2005protius : Some pictures I took at Further Confusion 2005
protius : Processing area, currently with a couple of the gladware trays I use for holograms. The black box is full of VRP-M plates. The box in the lower left corner is a pulsed laser (YAG, externaly frequency doubled). This area is also used for B&W processing, soldering, fabrication, and just about everything else...
protius : Doug had a Newyears party, and we were having a good time playing apples to apples. At about 12:08, someone noticed that it was infact 2005, so champane was deployed. Steve got a very odd glass, it had a remarkibly dense and consistant stream of bubbles in it. So we spent about 10 minutes photographing it. Steve was not entirely happy, he wanted to drink it...
protius : Slightly tighter shot on the champane.
protius : Hologram number 24.1, reflection hologram on VRP-M, 2:1 (ref:obj) beam ratio, 120 microjoules/cm^2 (ten seconds) with 532nm (Compass 315M laser). Thus is the first hologram I shot on glass. correcting the polarization of the beams so they were not orthogonal made the reflection holograms actualy come out...
protius : Ilford varidot paper in dektol for 1 minute, 1 minute exposure, F-smallnumber, this was with the lens wide open. I badly missed with the plane of focus (I was aiming for the wooden chair at the table. This was the first 8x10, though the gate is actualy closer to 7 3/4 by 9.
protius : The shakedown of the view camera continues. This makes my living room look much bigger than it really is. Ilford varidot paper in dektol for 1 minute, 10 minute exposure, F-largenumber (I have a cardboard disk with a hole about 1/4 inch in diameter which I stick in the lens.)
protius : My brother's hobby is climbing. There is a specific thing called bouldering where one does a very short (10 to 30 minutes) but very difficult route. Generaly not very high up (IE: less than 20 feet). plus X, F16, 60'th second, overexposed when printed.
protius : Some of my neighbors very firmly believe in christmas lights. I wandered around last night and took pictures of several of the displays. There is a neighborhood contest. plus-X, F16, 4 seconds.
protius : Some of my neighbors very firmly believe in christmas lights. I wandered around last night and took pictures of several of the displays. There is a neighborhood contest. plus-X, F16, 30 seconds.
protius : I was sent an enlarger, among other things... plus-X, F16, flash
protius : This is the roof of my patio, under construction. I liked its geometric look. plus-X
protius : This is a spinny thing... It was photographed in my back yard, and is about 8 feet in diameter.
protius : This is my tricycle, all covered with cylume tubes for the Vienna Haloween parade, being ridden accross my backyard, with the shutter open. The colors wern't actualy that bright on the print.
protius : This is the experimental view camera. Please forgive the digital imagery...
protius : This is the second successful image taken on an experimental viewcamera. polycontrast 2 paper, 20 second exposure, the lens is uncalibrated, but has an about 6 inch focal length. The paper was then processed in D19 (I didn't have any Dektol, and was feeling impatient), then scanned, inverted and flopped with gimp.
protius : This is the first successful image taken on an experimental viewcamera. polycontrast 2 paper, 5 second exposure, the lens is uncalibrated, but has an about 6 inch focal length. The paper was then processed in D19 (I didn't have any Dektol, and was feeling impatient), then scanned, inverted and flopped with gimp.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, handheld.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, handheld.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. This one makes me tilt my head to the left... ASA 160, handheld.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, handheld.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, handheld. This one is a longer exposure, in an attempt to get more depth of field.
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, handheld. I like this style of tower more than the other one, the pattern just goes and goes and goes...
protius : This is pondering a high tension power line along the WOD bike trail. I was pondering geometric patterns and symatry. ASA 160, 1/8 of a second, camera balanced on a bar. Double-exposure, unfortunately...
protius : This is Tet fiddling with a bubble thing in the back yard. Its an extremely old image, I don't remember the details...
protius : This is KJ lurking at the camp fire. I believe the exposure was on the order of 30 seconds, note how the fire has too many flames.
protius : I went hiking in the Shanendoa National Forest with Kelar and Xxydex, to take pictures of the fall leaves
protius : I went hiking in the Shanendoa National Forest with Kelar and Xxydex, to take pictures of the fall leaves
protius : I went hiking in the Shanendoa National Forest with Kelar and Xxydex, to take pictures of the fall leaves
protius : This was taken at Great Falls, on the billygoat trail.
protius : Documentation for the nebula project. I overexposed it a bit, blew out the brighter areas. ASA 400, on a tripod, 2 second exposure at F16.
protius : Documentation for the nebula project, this time in its final rack. ASA 400, on a tripod, 2 second exposure at F16.
protius : This is my tricycle, with its shiney new squeeky dragon deployed. ASA 160
protius : This is my tricycle, with its shiney new squeeky dragon deployed, wider shot so you can see the Herndon train station. ASA 160
las_vegasprotius : These images are from a trip to Las Vegas on Febuary 7 and 8 2004.
protius : Production photo during the shooting of our Cinemagraphic masterpiece "Mowing the Lawn" ASA 100 B&W
protius : Production photo during the shooting of our Cinemagraphic masterpiece "Mowing the Lawn" ASA 100 B&W
protius : A plane landing at National Airport, from Gravely point. Time lapse exposure, ASA 400 Color
protius : The fourth of july fireworks in DC, from Gravely point. I think it was an about 10 second exposure, ASA 400 Color
newyorkprotius : These are from an old trip to New York